MATTHEW 25 MANDATE     

     219 GATHERINGS    


...because what you believe, matters.

The Complete Word of God, in its entirety, was and is given to show man how to walk well with the Creator and King of the Universe, and each other, by grace.  It is all about creating and maintaining healthy relationships.  It is the Creator’s handbook designed specifically for His people.

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”  Proverbs 23:7  Thoughts influence beliefs, and whether right or wrong, beliefs in turn, bring about the correlating right or wrong behaviors.  What one believes, is of critical importance.  It can greatly influence the well-being of one's present life; the degree of someone's participation and contribution to the Kingdom of God; and finally determine one's presence with the Creator throughout eternity, or not.  Let us explore and believe the Scriptures for what they actually say, unfiltered.   May that become the rule of our passions.


"Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is,

and walk in it; and you will find rest for your souls." Jeremiah 6:16


Jeremiah 29:13 says, "You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with your whole heart." The Creator and King of the Universe promises that He can be found.  We can meet and know Him personally.  We can know God!  How? -  By seeking, pursuing, searching and hunting for Him.  That seems to be the course of action to know Him better.   John 14:21 says, "He who has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves Me.  And he who loves Me shall be loved by My Father and I will love him and disclose Myself to him."  Disclosure of Messiah and by virtue the Father is available to all men.  We can know intimacy with the One Who hung the moon and the stars in their place.  How can we know God intimately?  It seems by searching for Him and keeping His Word.  And here is the obstacle to our heart's desire of searching, knowing and keeping His Word:

We have learned how to read and even study the Scriptures through incorrect filters of thought (interpreations) established over the last 1700 plus years.  When we read or study the Scriptures, we interpret what we read immediately according to one or more filters of thought and thus do not gain the insight, wisdom and joyful blessing of what they clearly and specifically say.  We unknowingly and innocently substitute interpretations into our reading.  There are cultural filters, religious and denominational filters, traditional filters, socio-economic and political filters, along with historical filters.  Through these we have set wrong understanding and subsequent foundational beliefs.  Who God is and our relationship to Him is interpreted through these filters.  What we have is very shy of what the Father has intended to bless our lives and bring us closer to Him.

First Century Faith® has chosen to look at the Scriptures without filters to seek out truth - unfiltered.  No matter what version of the Scriptures  we use, if we read what it says purely from the language, without preconceived filters of interpretation, we will discover wonders.  We will have our faith explode into new depths of understanding of the Father, His ways, and His incredible love and provision for us.  Remove the filters and finally find what has been missing from your faith experience.  You love God. He loves you.  Come together in purity of love and truth - unfiltered!